Recently Flora tweeted to her blog post about a conditional audit for Fine Grant Audit (FGA) and questioned “Who on earth is doing that ?!”, and I remembered that I made something similar at my previous job. So, here a little glimpse of how to use the FGA, AUDIT_CONDITION, and SYS_CONTEXT to conditionally decide if you audit or no.
So, at my previous job, years ago (while still using 11g), I received these requests: “We need to audit everything that does not come from the application”, and more, “the audit needs to have the small overhead possible”.
And to explain the context why these are important, the system was used to control the judicial processes (court of justice) and the database handles more the 1 million of IOPS (the reason for the small needed overhead). And since is a sensible area, the system itself if heavily audited (application have own audit system), so we don’t need to audit the app – but everything else.
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