Recently I executed the upgrade of Oracle GI to 19c version, from to version. But one step that was not showed there was that, because of requirements, the GI was upgraded from to This upgrade is a just Release Update (RU) apply and opatchauto command.
But during this upgrade, from 18.2 to 18.6, I faced (more than one time – 5 to be precise) errors during the update because of the MGMTDB errors. I got these errors:
- ORA-12514, TNS: Listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor
- ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
- MGTCA-1005 : Could not connect to the GIMR.
- CRS-10407: (:CLSCRED1079:)Credential domain does not exist.
Here I will show how to solve these errors, how to identify if everything was fine and if you can continue. Be careful that it is an example, always open a support SR to identify the source of the error.