Tag Archives: Reimage

Reimage ODA

The idea to reimage ODA is to refresh the environment without the need to jump from one by one to reach the last available version, or even rescue the system from S.O. failure/crash. The process to do a reimage can be check in the official documentation but unfortunately can be very tricky because the information (the order and steps) are not 100% clear. The idea is to show you how to reimage using version 18 (18.3 in this example), that represents the last available.

In resume the process is executed in the order:

  1. ILOM: Boot the ISO
  2. Prepare to create the appliance
  3. Upload GI and DB base version to the repository
  4. Linux: Create the appliance
  5. Firmware and patch
  6. Create Oracle Homes and the databases
  7. Finish and clean the install
